Dominic Angoy

Physical Therapist

Dominic Angoy full

Dominic Angoy BSc. PT (Hons)

Dominic has been a member of our team for seven years and adopts the role of senior physiotherapist. His wit and enthusiasm towards his work and others are second to none.

Since graduating Physical Therapy school in 2010 he has completed training in spinal manipulation, Kinesio taping, corrective exercise, hydrotherapy and dry needling. He has a special interest in hydrotherapy and sports rehabilitation.

In the near future, Mr. Angoy hopes to further his studies by completing his Doctorate in Physical Therapy.

In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and children.

Over 50 years of experience in Rehabilitative Care

You are in excellent hands with us.

Dr Jaqueline King

Physical Therapist

Dominic Angoy

Physical Therapist

Kwayne Dalrymple

Physical Therapist

Rheeann Durant

Physical Therapist